Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The topic of my project proposal is " The positive and negative aspects of  tweeting."
I will focus on the social, psychological and economic aspect of tweeting, and the impact on tweetersIt's a great way to connect to celebrities and people from different parts of the world. Fans feel a sense of connection with their idols through this medium because celebrities tweet their fans and let them in on their lives. This connection makes the fans feel closer to them and actually build loyalty. So this would be one of the positive aspects of tweeting. Also, companies can get feedback on their products from their customers through this medium, and improve their product if need be. One of the negative aspect of it is some people use it spread false information which could ultimately hurt one's reputation.

Wiki vs Blog

    Wiki is an online collaboration tool people use to share and generate ideas. A group of people can come together and write about issues or subjects that interest them. Wikis are community driven, and are designed to embrace the ideas of anyone who wants to share with others. Wiki is a collaborative tool that can be edited by anyone. They are easy to create and usually maintained by users. Also, they are published immediately. One can use Wiki to go into depth on a subject by including a link. Because there are more than one author who contribute to a Wiki, the wiki is updated at all hours. Articles constantly change and are continously updated.
    Blogs on the other hand, for the most part, have one author and as a result, one opinion. The knowledge of one person is limited as opposed to the Wiki where there are a group of people who come together to write on a topic or issue. The reader gets information that is rich and credible when received from a group of people who are knowledgeable on a subject as opposed to just one person who has limited knowledge on a subject. Although Wikis are more interactive and engaging, blogs have become a powerful force in new media through the internet. People write about topics that interests them and comment freely about what is going on their lives and the world around them. Some blogs focus on the entertainment world and discuss celebrity news and also share photographs of celebrities.
    According to the article, "Celebrity Blogs: The Impact of New Media in Associated content, "celebrity blogs are innovative and revolutionary in their approach and show the impact new media is having on more traditional mainstream media." markets http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/26280/celebrity_blogs_the_impact_of_new_media.html?cat=49
Wikis are more interactive than blogs and allows the participants to contribute, edit and update information as often as possible. Whereas, blogs can only be edited by the one person, the author. Because it's only the author who can update information on the blog, it takes longer to update information on there than wiki.
   Discussions on wiki take place on pages or in the discussion forum because of the way it is set up - community driven. However, discussions on blogs take place in the comments of a post, and they are usually approved by the blogger.
   Although wiki and blogs have their differences, both can be used as a tool to reach millions of people to share ideas, educate or even market products and services. Utilizing both blog and wiki means reaching more
people effectively to achieve goals. Companies can use both to interact with consumers to get their input regarding their products and services, and then use that information to improve products. So both are every beneficial.
    Blogs could be designed in such a way that comments or information from readers are incorporated into the post. Bloggers should acknowledge opinions from readers that oppose theirs and not delete them. That way the blogger demonstrates open mindedness. Collaboration can start with the bloggers using information the readers give and incorporating it into their post.
   Wiki could be used to bring the president and the people closer if used as a virtual community meeting tool where the president shares his plans for the country with the participants and then the community can give their input on whether they agree or not with plan. Also, the community can make suggestions to the president. This tool may bring the people closer to the president. The Wiki could also be used to plan events and figure the best way to host a party or event.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Describe New Media

There are a lot of new media technologies today such as blogs, facebook, google, MP3, twitter, wikis, and etc. People can communicate and get information on cyberspace by utilizing the new technologies mentioned.

New media is different from old media in terms of its sense of immediacy. Once information is put on the internet or cyberspace, it spreads like wildfire and can reach hundreds of thousands of people within 10-15 minutes. The news on cyberspace is so fresh and considered real news that people no longer rely on old media such as newspaper to get their news because by the time the story hits the newstands, the story or news becomes old.

Old media such as newspaper does not provide an outlet for readers to comment or express their opinions and thus is not as appealing as new media especially to the younger generation.

New media gives not only journalist a platform to deliver news but also novices and non professionals. Anyone can blog or twit whatever one feels passionate about. One of the beauty of blogging or twitting is the absence of editing or filtering by someone else. You are your own boss - editor. Blogs, twitters, and etc give the layman a platform to write about issues of interest or things they are knowledgeable on. For instance, Walmart's corporate blog are written by " little- known buyers," and largely without editing . http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/business/03walmart.html?pagewanted=print

People can interact with friends, family and fans through twitting. Twitting is an excellent way for celebrities to stay in touch with their fans. Fans get to communicate with their idols and ask them questions. The new media is more appealing because of the access to stars and other people. Fans get information on their idols on blogs and get news on them as soon as an event or incident occurs. Celebrity Blogs: The Impact of New Media article confirms how effective blogging is and how people use this technology to share celebrity news and photos. Traditional mainstream media share news and photos from blogs with their viewers.